The Dell'Arte Teen Ensemble presents an award winning comedy
CHATEAU LA ROACH! Slapstick humor, mistaken identities, and hilarious dialogue await spring farce. Come to the delightful Chateau la Roche for a weekend you're not likely to forget- a weekend of fine dining, professional staff, four-star service, and invading cockroaches.
Hotel proprietors Francois and Mimi LaRoche desperately try to keep their roach infestation under control as they host and entertain a full house of guests- honeymooners, british cyclists, fortune tellers, nuns, famous travel writers- one of whom is the Health Inspector in disguise!
This off-the-wall production will be a foot-stomping, laugh-out-loud good time, full of the trademark Dell'Arte Youth Academy physical comedy. Written by award winning Dell'Arte Alumni Lauren Wilson, and directed by Tyler Olsen, CHATEAU LA ROACH is guaranteed fun for the whole family!Performance Dates: Thurs. April 2 at 7:30pm (Pay What You Can! at the Box Office)Fri. April 3 at 7:30pm Sat. April 4 at 7:30pm Sun. April 5 at 2pm All performances at the Dell'Arte Carlo TheatreCost: $5 Student/Seniors, $8 General Admission Running time: 1 hour 50 minutes, with a 15 minute intermission |